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Monday, April 4, 2011

Making New Friends isn't tough.

Well these little bits I got off a friendship card will certainly give you a few tips on making new friends

1. Don't worry about knowing people, just make yourself worth knowing.
2. Be friendly with the folks you know. If it weren't for them you would be a total stranger.
3. Friends are those who speak to you after others don't.
4. The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue.
5. The way to have friends is to be willing to lose some arguments.
6. Deal with other's faults as gently as if they were your own.
7. A friend is a person who can step on your toes without messing your shine.
8. You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults.
9. You can make more friends by being interested in them than trying to have them be interested in you.
10. A real friend is a person who, when you've made a fool of yourself, lets you forget it.
11. A friend is a person who listens attentively while you say nothing.
12. A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.
... and most important... A FRIEND IS A TREASURE!

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