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Monday, January 28, 2008

How to Make Your Messages Memorable

When a piece of communication is to the point, relevant, worthwhile, and compelling, it moves you — the listener or reader - to action.
Moving people is not magic -it’s all about effective communication.The 4Cs Model, which stands for Comprehension, Connection, Credibility, and Contagiousness helps in achieving it.

The beauty of the 4Cs Model is that it’s easy to understand and simple to apply to every piece of communication you produce at work whether it's a résumé, an email, newsletter article, marketing piece, PowerPoint, or blog.
When you use get into the habit of applying the 4Cs to every type of communication you generate, managers, coworkers, clients, and customers will take notice.

The First C: Comprehension
To make sure the audience gets the message.

The Second C: Connection

Making a connection with a communicated idea or message means not only that the audience "gets it," but that it resonates with them, has meaning and significance for them.

The Third C: Credibility

The audience needs to believe who is saying it (the brand or messenger’s voice), what is being said, and how it is being said. Otherwise, any connection begins to break down - immediately. Credibility is the critical C, because the audience may completely understand a communicator’s message.

The Fourth C: Contagiousness

Think of the last time you saw a TV ad that was so funny or clever that you discussed it with your friends. That’s contagiousness. To be contagious, a message has to be energetic, new, different, and memorable. It should also evoke a vivid emotional response, have "talk" potential, motivate the target to do something, and elicit a demonstrable reaction.

To read more on the topic click here

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